Wednesday, December 4, 2013

My Christmas List

Furby Boom
American Girl Doll
Build A Bear Clothes

Tulle Skirt

I found this project in my new American Girl magazine. You take a denim skirt and add a tulle fringe. It was a lot of fun.

Do you like my pink beard?
 Here I am modeling the finished product.

This skirt was easy to make and I liked the way it looked. But it was itchy.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Sewing Project

Today I completed a new sewing project. It was a bookmark. It was really fun. Mom let me pick out my very own fabric for this project. Next project I am going to make a tote bag. I already have the material that I picked out all by myself.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Gymnastics and Sewing

I was in another gymnastics meet.

I did a lot better. I received 1st in vault and 2nd in bars, floor, and beam. I am happy I did better this time. I am also moving up to the Hope Team.

I am also going to be Mary in the church Christmas Pageant. I am really happy about it.

I am learning to sew.

Look at the headband that I made.
My mom helped me put on a fabric flower.
Next I am going to sew a bookmark and a tote bag. I really like sewing.
I have also been spending a lot of time organizing my room to make room for new Christmas presents. I am really excited about opening my biggest Christmas present. I am going to tear into it like a torpedo.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Field Trips and Gymnastics

Last Saturday I had my first gymnastics meet with the Shining Stars team. I placed 3rd in vault, 3rd in beam, 3rd in floor, and 2nd in bars. I had a good time. Here is some video of me.

Afterwards I got to celebrate and eat at one of my favorite restaurants Mamacitas.

Then we got to go to see the San Antonio Symphony perform The Firebird. This was my first time to go to the Symphony and I like it.
Then we went to the San Antonio Zoo. We saw some baby monkeys and baby tigers. I got to see some of my favorite animals like the cheetah, snakes, addax, komodo dragons and okapi. I can't wait for them to open the giraffe exhibit because I like giraffes.
I hope to get to go to the zoo again next week since we have a family membership.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Johnson Space Center Homeschool Day

Last week we got to go to the Johnson Space Center Homeschool Day. I got to see and do a lot of fun things. I even got to make gooey stuff, make a tornado in a jar, see some cool science experiments, shoot a miniature rocket, and see mission control. I also got to go on stage with Mad Science.
It was the best field trip.


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Whats New

Today I learned about the respiratory system. We did an experiment where we were a giant and we drew a nose, lung, heart, and foot on paper plates. Then we used a tube to use as a trachea. We used red markers for oxygen and blue markers for carbon dioxide. We moved the markers to show the giant breathing.

I moved up in gymnastics to Shining Stars. I used to be Mini Stars. Now I get to go to meets. I have climbed the rope twice more. I am happy.

Monday, September 2, 2013


I finally made it up the rope in gymnastics. I have climb it three times now to the very top. When you get to the top you get to put your name on a banner and whenever you do it again you get to put a star on there. When you watch the video, don't worry when I fall it is into a foam pit. It still is kinda scary.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

What I Did For School Today

Today I made Pharos Lighthouse.

And I made a skeleton and labeled all of her bones. Big animals on land need bones to support them if they are on land. They don't need them in water.


I also finished the book Keep the Lights Burning, Abbie by Peter and Connie Roop It was a good book. I think it is a book everyone would like. I also read the book Cora Frear by Susan E. Goodman. I really liked it too.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Alexander the Great

Alexander the Great was somebody who ruled a whole lot of land. He ruled Egypt and a whole lot of places, but he didn't rule India. Because his soldiers wouldn't fight because they were tired and weren't winning. Pretty soon Alexander was getting weaker. Then he was so weak he couldn't move anything, but his eyes. Then he died at 32 years of age. They decided to split his empire into three parts. One of them ruled Egypt and made one of the Seven Wonders of the World, Pharos. It was in the city of Alexandria. Named after Alexander the Great. They finished the city after Alexander's death and built a big library full of books. The Pharos was a really big lighthouse. I have learned three of the Seven Wonders of the World. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, The Great Pyramid, and Pharos.