Monday, August 12, 2013

Alexander the Great

Alexander the Great was somebody who ruled a whole lot of land. He ruled Egypt and a whole lot of places, but he didn't rule India. Because his soldiers wouldn't fight because they were tired and weren't winning. Pretty soon Alexander was getting weaker. Then he was so weak he couldn't move anything, but his eyes. Then he died at 32 years of age. They decided to split his empire into three parts. One of them ruled Egypt and made one of the Seven Wonders of the World, Pharos. It was in the city of Alexandria. Named after Alexander the Great. They finished the city after Alexander's death and built a big library full of books. The Pharos was a really big lighthouse. I have learned three of the Seven Wonders of the World. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, The Great Pyramid, and Pharos.

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